Posts Tagged: skilled care

Skilled Care at The Cedars: Life Stories

Life in the Neighborhood: Your Life Story Matters Kim Doyon, Life Enrichment Coordinator at The Cedars  Life stories recognize the uniqueness of each person. Today the development and use of life stories is one important key to delivering person centered care at The Skilled Care Center. The Cedars staff believes that by placing the resident and their biography at the heart of care, we can better impact quality of life and care for our residents. Life story work is an activity that reviews the past experiences, life events and routines, and creates a biography of the person.  The life story helps us understand the resident and will help to promote relationships and facilitate delivery of care.  Many of our life enrichment activities are based on life stories and what residents deem as important.  The Cedars asks the family members for help with the development of a life story for...


Gift Ideas for Residents in Senior Living Communities

The holiday season is here and I have found in my family that finding the right gift for loved ones living in a Skilled Care Center is a challenge.  Here are ideas that are some of the most thoughtful gifts you can give:  1)      Scrapbook –  a book of photos with labels of family names, events, dates, etc. is a wonderful gift for your loved one.  Staff love to look through scrapbooks with our residents.  It is a pleasure to get to know our residents better and a fun reminiscing activity for residents to share their lives with us. 2)      Personalize – a pretty comforter that is machine washable is a nice gift to personalize and brighten your loved one’s room.  Framing a family photo or creating a shadow box that reminds your loved one of home, a special event or vacation is a wonderful gift.  If your loved...