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How will you spend time during your retirement? Will you delve into a lifelong interest or pursue a new one? At The Atrium at The Cedars retirement community, the members are mixing the old with the new. First-time endeavors include senior college courses, Tai Chi or yoga classes. For many at The Cedars, a lifelong interest is painting: portraits, landscapes, still life … anything. These members who make up our very own ‘artist’s colony’ just love to paint. At this week’s Fall Member Art Show, the proof was on the walls. The members living at The Atrium kindly shared their works, and the visitors, staff, and residents were amazed at the talent and perspectives of the residents at The Atrium. As passionate as they are, they were equally distinct. One member’s paintings evoke scenes from children’s literature, while another perfectly depicts Maine winters. The display provided insight into our...
Posted in our blog on by Angie& filed under Latest News.
The Healing Effects of Pet Therapy By Janine Fifield, Life Enrichment Assistant and Volunteer Coordinator at The Cedars Retirement Community “Love is the most important medicine and pets are one of nature’s best sources of affection.” – Anonymous Most of us are already aware of the wonderful benefits of being in the presence of our beloved pets. And here at The Cedars, we are honored to be a training community for local therapy dogs. On any given day, we have from one to five furry friends engaging with our residents and offering not only their unconditional love, but also their profound and medically proven healing effects. Residents in nursing communities who have regular visits from pets are more receptive to medical treatment and nourishment. It is also well established that touch is very important for our minds and spirits. For most people, the touch of an animal is safe, non-threatening...
Posted in our blog on by Katharine& filed under Featured.
Raising Awareness: OSTEOPOROSIS By Dianne Vigue, Resident Wellness Manager at The Osher Inn at The Cedars, Assisted Living World Osteoporosis Day is observed annually on October 20th and The Cedars would like to get a head-start on this year-long campaign to raise awareness of the disease that causes bones to become weak and brittle. So brittle in fact that a fall or mild stresses like coughing can cause a fracture. Bone is living tissue which is constantly being absorbed and replaced. Osteoporosis occurs when the creation of new bone doesn’t keep up with the removal of old bone. Osteoporosis affects both men and women of all races. White and Asian women past menopause are at higher risk. To help slow down the disease process, dietary supplements and weight bearing exercises can help strengthen bones. The most common test to measure bone density is a special x-ray called a DXA Scan. It...
Posted in our blog on by Katharine& filed under Featured.
The residents and members of The Cedars are embarking on their second session of Resistance Training at The Atrium. Sharon Leddy-Smart, Lifestyle Coordinator and Personal Trainer, has completed the progress measurements following the first 12-week session, and the results are encouraging! Given that this program was new to so many, the response and interest were better than expected, and all of the participants report that they have seen improvements. The comments at our recent Member Meeting include: Overall sense of feeling better and having more energy Improved muscle strength and endurance Sleeping better Improved posture due to an increased awareness of sitting and standing up straight Increased range of motion and flexibility Sharon enjoys working with seniors and sees herself as a catalyst for our members and residents to feel better through exercise. During the third week of September, she conducted the Fullerton Fitness Assessments on all participants and...
Posted in our blog on by Katharine& filed under Featured.
The Cedars Retirement Community: Niche Retirement Community Just about every retirement community features activities and programs that emphasize wellness. The Cedars in Portland, Maine, is no exception. It emphasizes holistic wellness, which many baby boomers have pursued for decades. The community’s yoga program is taught by Jessica McKneally, who believes that yoga can help alleviate many of the health issues that older adults face. “Many of the chronic ailments associated with the aging process are the result of stress, imbalance and disconnection,”she says on the community’s website. “Relieving stress, cultivating balance in our lives and reconnecting to our self and others can go a long way towards establishing a healthier, happier, more sustainable...
Posted in our blog on by Katharine& filed under Featured.
According to Carol Worthington, editor of Healthy Aging Magazine and director Health Aging, it’s never too late to “re-invent” yourself. September is Healthy Aging Month, an annual health observance designed to focus national attention on the positive aspects of growing older, and we take healthy aging very seriously here at The Cedars! Worthington explains, “We need to draw attention to the myths of aging, to shout out “Hey, its’ not too late to take control of your health, it’s never too late to get started on something new.’ To get started, here are some ideas from Health Aging Magazine to help you think outside of the box: Back to School – through Osher Lifelong Learning (we provide the transportation!) or attend more lectures at The Atrium Dance Like There’s No Tomorrow – older adults getting regular physical exercise are 60% less likely to get dementia as it increases oxygen to...
Posted in our blog on by Katharine& filed under Featured.
The Cedars has been enjoying the internet more than ever this summer, thanks to the help of volunteer Michael Michaelson. An upcoming freshman in high school at Wayneflete in Portland, Michael has been visiting members in our retirement community every Thursday morning since June. During his time here, he busily runs from one apartment to the next assisting members and leaving them quite pleased. For instance, he connected one member to skype so she could talk with her daughters who both live in Italy. Another member proudly announced that, because of Michael’s tutelage, she not only knew when her mouse needed new batteries, but she was able to change them herself. Other members are accessing e-mail and FaceBook for the first time – and love it! Michael explains that his work with seniors is quite rewarding. When he saw the “huge” need for seniors to connect on the internet,...
Posted in our blog on by Katharine& filed under Featured.
The Cedars commitment to wellness can be seen throughout the community, from tai chi instruction for members to yoga classes for staff. A particular program that is gaining increased popularity is our water aerobics or “Aquazcize” as we refer to it. Sharon Leddy-Smart, Director of Lifestyles at The Atrium independent living, is also a personal trainer, triathlete, and mother of five – and touts the benefits of water aerobics for the senior population. The Atrium’s pool is considered therapeutic as it is heated to over 87 degrees Fahrenheit. Sharon’s classes focus on coordination, mobility, balance, range ofmotion and core stability. “It’s great for people dealing with arthritis because it’s no-impact, and the heat helps warm the joints to allow for greater range of motion.” Member Florence Strauss explains that “it is the only time I can walk pain-free, when I’m exercising in the pool.” Sharon states that the water is...
Follow I-95 South to I-295. In Portland, exit at Baxter Boulevard/Washington Avenue (Exit 9). Take the first right off the ramp, then turn left at the traffic light onto Washington Avenue/Route 26. Proceed .6 miles, then turn right at Ocean Avenue/Route 9. Proceed .2 miles, then take a left at The Cedars.
Directions from the South
Follow I-95 North to I-295. In Portland, exit at Washington Avenue (Exit 8). Proceed .6 miles, then turn right at Ocean Avenue/Route 9. Proceed .2 miles, then take a left at The Cedars.