Posts Categorized: News and Events

Wellness Fair

Wellness Fair at The Cedars Thursday August 9 from 10AM to 2PM This is a great chance for our staff and residents to get wellness tips and helpful information. Raffles and...


The Cedars Celebrates Our Staff

On July 19, The Cedars will hold a summer BBQ for our employees and give special recognition to those who have served between 5 and 35 years. Thank you, Staff at The Cedars, for all of your hard work, commitment and...


Symposium at The Cedars

A Silver Lining for an Aging State: Bold Solutions to Boost Maine’s Economy Wednesday May 30, 8-10AM A panel of national leaders will examine the critical issues facing Maine as our population rapidly ages and workforce steadily declines. RSVP 207-221-7005...


Angie Hunt Receives Excellence in Leadership Award

Angie Hunt, Chief Operating Officer at The Cedars, was honored by Leading Age Maine and New Hampshire for her Excellence in Leadership. Angie has earned the respect and loyalty of everyone she works with through leading by example and working side-by-side with therapists, nurses, housekeeping, activities staff and anyone else who needs a hand. Community leaders, legislators and trustees immediately recognize Angie’s enthusiasm for any opportunity to improve quality care and to advocate for seniors. Exceptional Leadership and Effectiveness “Angie is self-motivated, a tireless worker – always putting the best interest of the patients first.” – Susan Dionne-Jones, Director of Nursing at The Cedars “Angie ‘lives’ The Cedars’ mission every day and in doing so, always puts the needs of our residents above all else. She continually meets any and all challenges that are presented to her. And Angie’s concerns go beyond The Cedars to the entire caregiving community....


Internationally Recognized Author Coming to The Cedars

Join us for an event with internationally recognized scholar, memoirist and humanitarian, Dr. Liliane Willens who will share her riveting story of growing up in China during World War II under the pressures of foreign invaders and civil war as recounted in her most recent book, Stateless in Shanghai. Wednesday April 25, 2018 from 5:30 – 7:30PM Reception, presentation and book signing. There is no charge to attend. RSVP to Holly Nicholson at 207-221-7005 or...


Nutrition Fair: Community Learning Series

Join us for a Nutrition Fair featuring our Dietician, Jenny Maynard and learn about various aspects of nutrition, get healthy recipes, have some delicious snacks and have fun! Wednesday March 21 from 10-11AM at The Cedars Rehabilitation Center Refreshments and Raffle – bring a friend Free and Open to the...


MJFF: Free Senior Screening Sponsored by The Cedars

Join us at the Maine Jewish Film Festival, where we are sponsoring the Free Senior Screening of documentary, Sammy Davis Jr., I’ve Gotta Be Me Interviewees include Jerry Lewis, Whoopi Goldberg and Billy Crystal Thursday March 15 at 2PM The Portland Museum of Art, reservations made through the MJFF Desserts served following the film...