Posted in our blog on by Katharine& filed under News and Events.
Join us October 6 at 11AM at The Atrium for an interactive presentation on the relationships in our lives. To reserve your space, please call us at (207) 221-7100...
Follow I-95 South to I-295. In Portland, exit at Baxter Boulevard/Washington Avenue (Exit 9). Take the first right off the ramp, then turn left at the traffic light onto Washington Avenue/Route 26. Proceed .6 miles, then turn right at Ocean Avenue/Route 9. Proceed .2 miles, then take a left at The Cedars.
Directions from the South
Follow I-95 North to I-295. In Portland, exit at Washington Avenue (Exit 8). Proceed .6 miles, then turn right at Ocean Avenue/Route 9. Proceed .2 miles, then take a left at The Cedars.