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When Les Brewer first moved to The Atrium at The Cedars in the spring of 2013, he was pleased to hear that there was a standing bridge game every Thursday evening. At the time, there were a few tables of avid bridge players who would routinely meet. Over the course of the year, Les has taken on the role of coordinating the game and opening the fun to new players and novices alike. “Everyone enjoys the hour and a half on Thursday nights – it keeps the mind occupied and it’s very social,” Les explains. When Les was growing up he would watch his grandparents play bridge, learning the game through observation. Whenever there was an opportunity to play, he would join them. In college, bridge was a popular early-evening activity in his Beta Theta Pi fraternity house at the University of Maine. Then, while stationed in Paris, France during WWII, he would walk to the Red Cross...
On March 5, LD 1776: An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Long Term Care Facilities Study Commission received a public hearing before the Committee on Health and Human Services. John Watson, Chief Financial Officer at The Cedars, was one of the presenters. John was a gubernatorial appointee to the Long Term Care Facilities Study Commission that authored LD 1776 and was recognized for his work and leadership. The Committee concluded Maine must rectify years of chronic underfunding to nursing homes. Rural areas are hardest hit and many are in danger of closing, but even urban facilities are challenged to make ends meet. The Commission urged the legislature to pass $2 million in relief for struggling facilities in rural Maine; a bill to study funding problems in rural Maine facilities; and a bill sponsored by LeadingAge to end the current system of MaineCare reimbursements and would require the...
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Richard Marino, MD of Maine Medical Partners Geriatrics and Medical Director at The Cedars, was recently named Maine’s best physician for Geriatric Services in Down East Magazine’s TopDocs survey. His exacting and compassionate commitment to senior health was recognized by his peers, and sets The Cedars apart. “We have two main goals for our rehab patients,” Dr. Marino explains. “First, we help them get stronger, so they can return home. Secondly, we prevent re-hospitalizations.” To avoid having to transfer patients to and from the hospital for tests or treatment, Dr. Marino’s team is at The Cedars five days a week and available 24/7. “We address patient needs as soon as they arise, and anticipate problems before they occur,” he says. This extraordinary level of state-of-the-art care keeps our re-hospitalization rate at just 9% — less than half of the national average! For more information on The S.L. Cohen Rehabilitation...
During the past decade, assisted living communities have offered exercise, social, creative and educational opportunities. In recent years, senior care has been trending toward broader and deeper approaches to wellness. You’ll want to look for this higher standard as you visit assisted living communities for yourself or your loved one. The best assisted living communities have embraced a wellness philosophy that infuses the entire organization. What are the Six Dimensions of Wellness? It is commonly accepted that six dimensions of wellness need to be present in order to age successfully. There are tangible signs that the community you’re considering has a successful wellness philosophy when these six commonly known factors are holistically integrated into all quality programming for senior life. Seen together, these dimensions optimize and improve a person’s state of health. Physical — Centers on exercising the body to promote strength and flexibility. Advocates healthy lifestyle habits, encourages...
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The road to recovery can be challenging. Excellent rehab and a healing environment are key to maximizing independence. The Cedars in-patient rehabilitation program offers the most comprehensive skilled rehabilitation program in the Portland area for seniors recovering from a recent illness or surgery. The Rehabilitation Care Team Our team of licensed and certified rehabilitation professionals works under the medical direction of Dr. Richard Marino, who was recently chosen by his peers as the top Geriatric Specialist in Maine. As a patient at The Cedars, you could expect to receive individualized, 1:1 therapy from our Physical, Occupational and/or Speech Therapists at least five days per week. Other team members include rehabilitation nurses, recreational therapy, care coordination, and geriatric psychology. With over 30 rehabilitation therapists on staff, they specialize in such areas and techniques as: Orthopedic Care Stroke and Neurology Rehab Cardiopulmonary Rehab Amputee Training Balance Disorders Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual Manipulation...
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What To Look For In a Retirement Community by Angie D’Amours, Marketing Representative at The Cedars 1. What are the living options within the retirement community? So often our members talk about the peace of mind that comes from living at The Cedars because we offer a full continuum of senior health services. In addition to fully independent living we have concierge services, assisted living, short term rehabilitation and skilled care on our campus. And because The Cedars has been providing health care to seniors for so long, we have a strong reputation in the Portland area for providing excellent care. So when looking at senior living communities not only ask about whether they have the full array of senior services but inquire into the quality of their care. Whether for the short or long term, immediate access to a community of experts and services in senior care is paramount to peace...
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Winter often seems like the season for colds and the flu. But we can all successfully navigate the season with little more than an occasional sniffle. Here are some tips from The Cedars wellness team for staying healthy this holiday season, and throughout the winter months: EAT WELL AND INCLUDE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. The vitamins and minerals found in many of the fruits and vegetables help your immune system fight the ‘bugs’ that are so common this time of year TAKE TIME TO REST. Don’t let all the winter activities and family events keep you from getting the sleep your body needs. WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY. This is something we have told our kids for generations, but it’s also true for adults. If we wash our hands after sneezing or after we come home from shopping or before we eat, we remove many of the germs that cause problems....
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Channel 13 News joined members at The Atrium at The Cedars, today to ask them about their memories of John F. Kennedy’s assassination on November 22, 1963. Four members gathered in the living room to share their recollections and the ‘loss of innocence’ that followed. Bob Ryan recalled living in New York and, once hearing the news, followed the television broadcasts and the insanity that followed. On the day of JFK’s funeral, he closed is office and production facilities for the day. “Everyone went to church,” he explained, ” and that was the first time I recall ever hearing the National Anthem played at Catholic mass.” Margaretmary McCann, a school teacher in Portland at the time, explained the challenge of relating the news to her fifth grade class. “We were called into the principal’s office and told the news, and upon returning to the classroom I explained that something awful...
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It really takes the fog out of the brain … just great mental exercise.” —HENRY GAGNON “STAY SHARP,” Henry Gagnon encourages everyone, and laughter and applause ripple through the room as someone solves another crossword clue. Henry and his friends at The Atrium are working together to solve a Never2Late puzzle after a brisk walk in the September sunshine, and the combination of physical and mental exercise is doing exactly that: sharpening their thinking. It’s a brand-new program at The Atrium called Train Your Brain, and it is already a big hit with members. “The Cedars is committed to a holistic approach to wellness, Lifestyle Coordinator Janine Fifield explains. “Making sure we are caring for our members’ bodies, minds and spirits. Train Your Brain strengthens hearts and minds, lifts moods … it’s fun.” “Medical research shows that cardiovascular exercise like walking or running improves our mental fitness, too,” Angela...
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The Wellness Program at The Cedars retirement community received an award from Harvard Pilgrim for our commitment to health and wellness, community-wide. As a result, The Cedars staff has benefitted from ongoing education and programming through a wellness grant. Recently, Heidi Roth, Registered Dietician, paid us a visit to discuss plant-based eating. Heidi began by clarifying the differences between the ‘vegan’ and ‘vegetarian’ diets. “It’s not about giving up meat, it’s simply about infusing our diets with more fruits and vegetables.” Several studies tout the health advantages resulting from more plant-based eating, which include decreased risk for stroke, heart attacks, and certain forms of cancer, as well as being able to do away with medications for diabetes and high blood pressure. “Take one step at a time,” Heidi continued. “Gently incorporate more leafy greens and vegetables into your meals – they’ll slowly substitute the meats.” Nutrient dense foods that are...
Follow I-95 South to I-295. In Portland, exit at Baxter Boulevard/Washington Avenue (Exit 9). Take the first right off the ramp, then turn left at the traffic light onto Washington Avenue/Route 26. Proceed .6 miles, then turn right at Ocean Avenue/Route 9. Proceed .2 miles, then take a left at The Cedars.
Directions from the South
Follow I-95 North to I-295. In Portland, exit at Washington Avenue (Exit 8). Proceed .6 miles, then turn right at Ocean Avenue/Route 9. Proceed .2 miles, then take a left at The Cedars.