“A Spring Poem” by Mary Lou Martindell, member of The Atrium at The Cedars
It’s the Creation story, the reincarnation of all of nature.
The snow has cleansed and purified the earth,
Trees shrug off their snowy limbs like heavy overcoats.
Spring blossoms, almost anemic in their hunger for the sunlight,
poke through the snow to the rhythm of their own internal clocks.
Velvety pussy willows put out their silvery light visible a long way down
the road.
Hard wood trees sprout new leaves. Blades of wilted grass turn green.
Small animals who’ve been hibernating all winter rise out of the ground
and search for a mate.
The Spring birds will soon be arriving to seek out their new homes.
The silence of nature thick with the aroma of bark and humus, rotting
pine needles and the perfume of fresh air.
It is a new beginning, a rebirth of Nature.