We’ve had a special guest at The Cedars for the past several days, John Rude, president of Age Dynamics based in Eugene, Oregon. John as been discussing wellness for everyone in our community – and is creating a great deal of excitement in the process. He has an extensive history of developing health and fitness programs for seniors in the US and Europe. With master’s degrees in gerontology and business, he spent many years in disease management, and then in the early nineties shifted his focus towards prevention, growth and development. John has spent time talking with The Cedars staff, members, residents and community to emphasize the following theme:
Regardless of our age, we have the capacity to grow, develop, modify and change
John makes the point that we need to feel empowered in order to maintain our autonomy – and maintaining our autonomy becomes more important as we age. John goes on to say that our western culture emphasizes the importance of physical function and that all other aspects of our wellness – our social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, environmental and vocational wellbeing – thrive when our physical functioning is in good working condition.
When we are not well physically, we tend to get depressed, question our spirituality, become less involved socially, etc. When we are able to maintain our autonomy, we tend to have more positive experiences in life. Senior living communities like The Cedars are focused on empowering our residents, members and employees to participate in fun and varied strength and flexibility training – as little as twice per week – in addition to educational and inspirational seminars. As people age, strength becomes more important than any other exercise, because if we’re not strong, then we don’t bounce back as easily.
“This is not just about doing – it’s about thinking differently,” explains John. And thinking differently leads to empowerment. Couldn’t we all use a little more of that?
For more information about wellness programs at The Cedars, please call our Lifestyle Coordinator and wellness specialist, Sharon Leddy-Smart at 207-221-7100.