Memory Care Assisted Living

A new, vitally needed level of service

Senior care communities, like The Cedars, are the major providers of dementia care in Maine. Over 75% of residents in long-term care have some level of dementia. Through many years of experience in providing high-quality long-term care, The Cedars has a developed expertise and specialized programs to care for individuals with memory loss. However, not all individuals with memory loss require long-term care. To meet a broader range of needs, The Cedars is developing a Memory Care Assisted Living Household where individuals will benefit from cutting-edge programs developed by The Cedars

At the Cedars we believe that people with dementia can continue to engage in meaningful activities, make decisions about how they want to spend their days, and participate in their own overall health and wellness.

The Cedars Memory Care Program consists of 4 components:

  • Thoughtful evaluation and assessment that focuses on individuals’ strengths
  • Specialized programs developed and implemented by The Cedars that promote choice, preserve dignity and celebrate individuality
  • Specialized staff training that provides practical strategies and skills for dealing with the challenging behaviors and communication difficulties often encountered when caring for a person with dementia, and supports a safe, fulfilling lifestyle for individuals with memory loss, while maximizing engagement, socialization and independence.
  • Physical environment specifically designed to promote functional independence and a calming atmosphere